sakuraba04252018年10月13日1 分September 6-7, 2018I provided 20 min talk in "第4回 植物の栄養研究会" held in Kyoto university.
sakuraba04252018年10月13日1 分August 29-31, 2018I participated in "日本土壌肥料学会 2018" held in Nihon university, and did 15 min oral presentation.
sakuraba04252018年10月13日1 分April 10, 2018A research paper, title of "A NIGT1-centred transcriptional cascade regulates nitrate signalling and incorporates phosphorus starvation...
sakuraba04252018年10月13日1 分March 28-30, 2018I participated in "第59回 日本植物生理学会" held in Sapporo, and provided 15 min talk. The title of presentation is "The role of nitrate signaling...
sakuraba04252018年10月13日1 分November 30-31, 2017I provided 30 min invited talk in "East Asian Symposium on Senescence and Chronobiology in Plants" held in DGIST (Deagu, South Korea)....
sakuraba04252018年10月13日1 分 December 22, 2017A research paper, title of "The F-box protein FKF1 inhibits dimerization of COP1 in the control of photoperiodic flowering" has been...